End-to-end testing of mobile apps

Google released a new version of the Google Auth library. It had a bug that broke Google Login on Android for API 26 and earlier. This impacted my small but popular Music Player app in Google Play. It reveals the kind of problem, I have alluded to in end-to-end testing . The only way to avoid such problems is by end-to-end testing. However, I find all Android testing frameworks to be terrible. ...

Test changes to CircleCI config locally

Rather than pushing the code to a remote branch and then testing via Circle CI servers, it is best to run the tests locally first and make them work. Here’s how you can do that.

Keep your dotfiles bug-free with Continuous Integration

Update: As of April 2020, I have switched over to GitHub Actions . Travis CI has become buggy and flaky over time and I got tired of trying to keep the builds green. My GitHub action scripts can be seen here . Just like many software engineers, I maintain my config files for GNU/Linux and Mac OS in a git repository . Given that, I wrote a fair bit of them in interpreted code, notably, Bash, it is a bit hard to ensure that it is bug-free. The other problem I face is that packages on homebrew, the Mac OS package manager becomes obsolete and gets deleted from time to time. I added CI testing on Travis CI to prevent these breakages and to ensure that my dotfiles are always in good shape for installation. The great thing about Travis CI is that it is entirely free for open-source repositories even for testing on Mac OS containers.