Book summary: How to create a mind by Ray Kurzweil

The book is an insightful journey into the contemporary understanding of the human brain and how scientists are trying to replicate it. Major takeaways from the book are listed below. Thought experiments in the world Charles Lyell was the first person to propose that steady movement of water carves out gorges and canyons. This became the inspiration for Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution. Both of them engaged in thought experiments looking for how things around them attained their states and discovered underlying phenomena. Similarly, Einstein, after reading about the experiments which concluded that the relative speed of light is always constant, engaged in thought experiments that eventually lead to the “Theory of relativity”. The human brain is remarkably amazing in its ability to identify such patterns and discover underlying phenomena just by thinking.

Book Summary: How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big by Scott Adams (creator of Dilbert comics)

The book is a humorous compilation of pragmatic lessons which Scott Adams learned while navigating his professional career. The author admits his failures as well as successes openly. He also talks about his personal medical problems - first his hand and then his speech.

Book Summary: Art of War by Sun Tzu (Samuel B. Griffith's translation)

The Art of War is considered one of the classic books on military strategy. Due to the recent resurgence of China as an economic superpower, the book has garnered interest from non-Chinese who are curious to know more about its strategy.