The Missing Linux Laptop

For the past one month or so, I am looking around for a good personal laptop running GNU/Linux. I was looking for something similar to my current Mac Book Pro My constraints were following Intel processor - 2.4 GHz or better 16 GB or more RAM 15-16" screen since 14" screen does not work for the software development Sleek body - ~1" or less in thickness Good build quality At least 1080p - 1920x1080 resolution the chiclet keyboard and preferably without the useless numeric keypad Preferably running GNU/Linux - porting GNU/Linux to a laptop can end up being painful) Preferably 16:10 or lesser - I gave up on this constraint since it seems all laptops come only in 16:9 nowadays, except Macs and Chromebook Pixel After spending several days looking for the same, following were my conclusions...

Vivek Wadhwa: "The next Trillion Dollar Opportunities"

(Opinions expressed here are my understanding of Vivek Wadhwa’s opinion) “The next Trillion Dollar Opportunities” (in this decade) China’s manufacturing and India’s call center business are saturated. The PC industry is dead, Laptop is flat, and mobile is going up. Next trillion-dollar opportunities Proactive health care Preventive care is much cheaper. Expect sensors everywhere (in the toothbrush, toilet, mirror, etc.) to give info based on spotted symptoms. IBM Watson is being trained on medical data....

Towards a broken future of Internet

Internet, which initially started as a DARPA experiment is [still] under the indirect control of USA government through ICANN despite several objections from Europe as well as IBSA. This worked when most users were from the western world with the notable exception of China and few minor quirks. But in the past few decades, not only the governments around the world are putting more controls but also the internet users (as well as enterprises) are fighting back against US control. In this blog post, I will describe the main threats to the existence of (current form of) Internet.

A fundamental problem with Aakash (Indian Government tablet initiative)

This blog post is not about how good or bad the product technically is or how indigenous it is; it’s about a fundamental problem with tablets. It amazes me to see that even a journalist like T. Friedman missed it. Anyone who had ever used a tablet will tell you that even the best of the current-generation tablets are for consumption and not content generation.

Random thoughts: goals and company types in tech world

Start-up One goal May have multiple products but all products are aimed at a single goal. All teams are working towards the same goal. Diversified Multiple similar goals Have several products (or several parts of a single product) aimed towards different goals. Teams gain by helping each other. The goals to some extent are complementary but (naturally with time) diverge away from each other. The tipping point comes when the goals become orthogonal and thus, any bonding between teams working on (orthogonal) goals goes to zero....

EA Sports vs Zynga : the battle for games in smartphone era

Zynga’s market valuation has surpassed EA Sports market evaluation. Even though EA Sports is trying hands in social and acquired Playfish, their main source of revenue is still video games. Though the current user base of EA Sports (35 million) does not look impressive compared to Zynga’s (258 million) but a viral game from Playfish can always turn the table.

FOSS (Free and Open Source Code) Licensing FAQ

There are two choices while writing on this topic. One is to write a detailed and accurate port. The other is to write a short post. I preferred the second approach and had added appropriate links to dig further. Target Audience? Someone who is planning to use FOSS, free and open-source code, as a building block for their software development. Someone who wants to contribute to FOSS Someone who wants to release source code of their project in public

Cablegate and the aftermath: a few observations

Wikileaks released a set of United States diplomatic cables on Nov 28, 2010, popularly referred to as Cablegate. Let’s consider the events which happened afterward.

Nokia and the smartphone era

Nokia is facing some serious issues some of them are technical, but the major issue right now is how it can rebrand itself as a smartphone manufacturer (rather than just a mobile phone manufacturer).

How Indian Government deals with Technology

This article illustrates some examples of how the Indian government deals with (Information) Technology. Some of these projects are unheard of while some generated unnecessary hype.