Stanford CS251: Lecture 18
Lecture 18: Advanced Topics Three topics are chosen by students (another three for the next lecture) Topic 1: Quantum Computing An electron has two states top and bottom spins, represented as |1> and |0>. An electron is in a superposition of those two states with wave functions Ψ0 and Ψ1, so, the combined wave function is Ψ = Ψ0. |0> + Ψ1. |1> with |Ψ0|2 + Ψ12 = 1. |Ψ0|2 is the proability of seeing state |0> and Ψ12 is the probability of seeing state |1> respectively. Thus, Ψ = [Ψ0, Ψ1] is the overall state matrix. The state evolves using a 2X2 Hamiltonian matrix H, such that, second-degree norm won’t change, || H.V || = || V ||. This ensures |Ψ0|2 + Ψ12 = 1 always holds. ...