Mac OS: App Translocation and Android Studio updates failure

I installed Android Studio via homebrew “brew cask install android-studio” as a part of my automated Mac OS setup. Recently, Android Studio prompted me that an update is available. When I accepted to update, it failed with an error “Studio does not have write access to /private/var/folders/wt/rjv6_wcn4f97_2nth7fqftqh0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/19A80F28-865B-41FC-AA87-B8E43C826FCB/d/Android Please run it by a privileged user to update.” This error was confusing; I was running Android Studio as myself, a nonprivileged user and the same user owned this directory. Googling it a bit for AppTranslocation took me here. ...

Diagnosing Mac apps which won't open (error -10810)

Occasionally, my mac applications end up in a corrupt state where they won’t open. I recently encountered this with Deluge. The first step to diagnose is to open Terminal and open them in the terminal via Sh 1 2 $ open -a deluge # This name is same as the name of the app (minus the ".app" portion). LSOpenURLsWithRole() failed for the application /usr/local/Caskroom/deluge/1.3.12/ with error -10810. Now, the error is more diagnosable but still cryptic. above is a directory and we can navigate to the binary located at and execute the actual binary to see a more actionable error ...

Mac OS X Primer (Part 3) - Window Management

Default window management scheme in Mac OS X is not well-polished. For example, there is no way to make an application occupy left half of the screen or to make an application always stay on top. To improve on that, my personal setup includes following applications. Better Touch Tool - At the most basic level, it provides “Window snapping” feature, drag the window to top-left and it expands to full screen. It allows full control of gestures and keyboard shortcuts. My personal setup includes “cmd + option + Tab” to switch between active windows of the same application. It is available via homebrew cask. ...