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Inheritance in Go language

Go language does not have the concept of a class directly. It, however, has a concept of an interface as well as a struct. I’ll illustrate how this can be used to build most of the inheritance constructs that a language like Java or C++ offers.


I’ll use the cliché example of a Rectangle class and a Square class that inherits from it.

package main

import "errors"

// Rectangle encapsulates a immutable rectangle
type Rectangle struct {
  width  int32
  height int32

// NewRectangle is the constructor of Rectangle
func NewRectangle(width int32, height int32) (*Rectangle, error) {
  if width <= 0 {
    return nil, errors.New("width must be > 0")
  if height <= 0 {
    return nil, errors.New("height must be > 0")
  return &Rectangle{width, height}, nil

// Width returns the width
// Guaranteed to be a positive number
func (r Rectangle) Width() int32 {
  return r.width

// Height returns the height
// Guaranteed to be a positive number
func (r Rectangle) Height() int32 {
  return r.height

func (r Rectangle) Area() int64 {
  return int64(r.width) * int64(r.height)

And the cliché Square class that inherits from it

package main

// Square struct embeds Rectangle struct
// It gets all methods like Width() and Height() of the parent class
// for free
type Square struct {

// NewSquare is the constructor for the Square1 class
func NewSquare(side int32) (*Square, error) {
  rect, err := NewRectangle(side, side)
  if err != nil {
    return nil, err
  return &Square{*rect}, nil


Note: This all works fine, if the parent Rectangle class is immutable, however, if it is mutable, then it is better to use composition. However, that’s not a language-specific issue, so, worth discussing in a separate blog post about inheritance vs composition.


Go supports interfaces as well. But unlike Java or C++, no explicit declaration is required.

For example, consider a Shape interface

package main 

type Shape interface {
 // Area returns the area of the shape
 Area() int64


Now, if one adds the following code to the Rectangle struct then both Rectangle and Square will be implementing the shape interface.

// Area returns the area of the Rectangle
func (r Rectangle) Area() int64 {
    return int64(r.width) * int64(r.height)


The complete example can be seen at

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