World’s simplest project success heuristic
It is hard to recommend Python in production
Inflation, IRS, Credit cards, and Vendors
Temu and the Chinese approach
Things to do in Miami Florida
Language learning as an adult
The unanchored babies of the green card limbo
Price variance in the United States
A day in Louisville, Kentucky
A surprisingly positive experience with Air India
Android: Don’t use stale views
USA = Union of Sales and Advertisement
A day in Nashville, Tennessee
Minimize Javascript in your codebase
A day in Birmingham, Alabama
In defense of ad-supported products
The science behind Punjabi singers
The Indian startup bubble is insane
Repairing database on the fly for millions of users
Book Summary: One up on Wall Street by Peter Lynch
It is hard to recommend Google Cloud
Migrating from WordPress to Hugo
Book summary: Sick Societies: Challenging the Myth of Primitive Harmony by Robert B. Edgerton
Statistical outcomes require statistical games
Illegal immigrants to Europe via Cairo
Writing Script matters as much as the spoken language
LLMs: great for business but bad business
Book Summary: Safe Haven by Mark Spitznagel
Mac shortcut for typing Avagraha symbol
On a bus with an asylum seeker
When to commit Generated code to version control
Why I always buy a local SIM in a foreign country
Guadalajara (Mexico) in 4 days
Android Navigation: Up vs Back
Hotels vs Airbnb vs Hostels
Currency issues in Argentina
Abstractions should be deep not wide
Always support compressed response in an API service
A day in El Calafate - Patagonia, Argentina
Hermetic docker images with Hugging Face machine learning models
API services should always have usage Limits
Hiking in El Chaltén - trekking capital of Argentina
Natural Laws vs Man-made Laws
Using Python & Poetry inside Docker
Ultimate guide to traveling in Ushuaia Argentina
The English ɛ - a popular vowel missing in Indic languages
Notable quotes from “How to Live” by Derek Sivers
How to add a new formula to homebrew package manager
Ultimate guide to exploring Buenos Aires
How to setup Go packages under monorepo
Android: Always show toasts on the background thread
Musings of transliteration: Tharman Shanmugaratnam’s name
Mini Trip to Trinidad and Tobago
Book Summary: What I learned losing a millio dollars by Jim Paul
Real vs Theoretical Engineering Productivity
How to deploy Docker images on Microsoft Azure
Book Summary: Thinking In Bets by Annie Duke
Hindi-English phonemes that are similar but distinct
Royal Caribbean cruise in Singapore
End-to-end testing of mobile apps
Book Summary: The half-life of Facts by Samuel Arbesman
Santiago (Chile) in 4 days
Too much documentation is harmful
Book Summary: The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins
API backend should use dataloaders
Two days in Stockholm (Sweden)
Book Summary: The Mom Test by Rob Fitzpatrick
Sometimes the middle ground is most empowering
VCs are anti-personas for a B2C startup
Book Summary: Staff Engineer by Will Larson
Book Summary: Woke, Inc.: Inside Corporate America’s Social Justice Scam by Vivek Ramaswamy
Common pitfalls of GitHub Actions
A day at Joshua Tree National Park
Inheritance in Go language
Bad and good ways to test code
The different layers of a web applications
The biggest impact of ChatGPT
How do businesses make money
Selected quotes from “How I Invest My Money” by Joshua Brown and Brian Portnoy
Book Summary: One Man’s View of the World by Lee Kuan Yew
Social media and burglar bars
Lisbon (Portugal) in four days
German Pronunciations for Hindi speakers
Book summary of Sum: Forty Tales From The Afterlives by David Eagleman
Driving from Albuquerque to Phoenix
Android uncaught exception handler and ANR
Book summary - Magicians of the God by Graham Hancock
5 reasons package.json doesn’t scale
Driving from Santa Fe to Albuquerque in New Mexico
Crowded or Popular? Exclusive or deserted?
Why I prefer Obsidian for taking notes
A day visit to Las cruces and El Paso
Infinite network timeouts in Java and Go
The five different ways to pronounce the name “Chavez”
Duolingo is a waste of Time
Visiting Shakespeare Ghost town in Lordsburg New Mexico
The Bed of Procrustes by Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Book Summary: A philosophy of software design by John K Ousterhout
Why Indian Passport remains weak
A visit to Carlsbad Cavern
Don’t buy Google FI SIM with a phone
5 days in Gorkhaland (West Bengal) and Sikkim
The Terrible Economics of running a Restaurant
Fundraising rounds then and now
Where to go on your first Caribbean trip
Spanish Pronunciations for Hindi speakers
Dominican Republic in 5 days
Cave Exploration at Lava Beds National Monument
Go Language concurrency and an easy pitfall
Test changes to CircleCI config locally
Book Summary: Red Notice by Bill Browder
Book summary: The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel
Book summary: Antifragile by Nassim Nicolas Taleb
When can you count on public transport while traveling?
Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport
What’s the best alternative to Google Play Music and Google Podcasts…
Android: Catching NDK crashes
Hindi: The missing “v” sound
Docker: Be careful about the scratch image
Glacier National Park in 4 days
Indeterminate Progress bar is an inferior UX design
Things to do in Dominica - The nature island of the Caribbean
How many source-code repositories should a startup have
I’m looking for financial partners and would like to connect…
Three days in Cancun (Mexico)
Book Summary - Everybody Lies
The two-step approach to big code modifications
In a remote village in Thailand…
Four days in Kerala (Munnar, Thekkady, Aleppey)
Dealing with phone numbers in contact book
Things to do in Cusco (Peru)
Incremental testing: save time and money on CI for monorepo
Book Summary: The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable by Nassim Nicolas Taleb
How to deploy side projects as web services for free
Docker 101: A basic web-server displaying hello world
Lassen Volcanic National Park: The most family-friendly park near San Francisco
Things to do in Yosemite National Park
Troubleshooting Android Emulator: “Emulator: Process finished with exit code 1”
Two days in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Android: Using “Die with me” app without killing the phone’s battery
The first two statements of your BASH script should be…
Barcelona (Spain) in two days
A Punjabi (Gurmukhi) primer for native Hindi (Devanagari) speakers
Madrid (Spain) in two days
Keep your dotfiles bug-free with Continuous Integration
Why not abolish employer-provided health insurance?
Rome (Italy) in three days
Programmable Money and value capture
Angel investing for Software Engineers
Android Security: Don’t leave WebView debugging enabled in production
Budapest (Hungary) in Two Days
A short guide for MBAs looking for a job in the tech world
Diet action plan from “How not to die” book
Book Summary: How not to die by Dr. Michael Greger
This website was compromised
Stanford CS251: Cryptocurrencies, blockchains, and smart contracts
Stanford CS251: Lecture 19
Stanford CS251: Lecture 18
Stanford CS251: Lecture 16
Stanford CS251: Lecture 15
Stanford CS251: Lecture 13
Stanford CS251: Lecture 14
Stanford CS251: Lecture 12
Stanford CS251: Lecture 11
Stanford CS251: Lecture 10
Stanford CS251: Lecture 9
Stanford CS251: Lecture 8
Stanford CS251: Lecture 7
Stanford CS251: Lecture 6
Stanford CS251: Lecture 5
Stanford CS251: Lecture 4
Stanford CS251: Lecture 3
Stanford CS251: Lecture 2
Stanford CS251: Lecture 1
Closeum - closed-source in disguise
Android: Fragment related pitfalls and how to avoid them
Cruising in French Polynesia
French Polynesia - the basics
Android: Handling JPEG images with Exif orientation flags
Hiking Natural Bridges National Monument
Book summary: Why Nations Fail
Mac OS: App Translocation and Android Studio updates failure
Cross-language bridge error handling: JS-to-Java Example
Book summary: Made to Stick by Chip Heath and Dan Heath
Testing resumable uploads
A trip to Antelope Canyon
How to speed up HTML5 videos
A vegetarian lunch at French Laundry
Architecting Android apps for emerging markets
Startup founders: How not to write an email
The “key” problem in cryptocurrency
Introducing adb-enhanced: A swiss army knife for Android development
Server vs mobile development: Where the code runs matter
Google I/O 2018: Android Notes
Android: The right way to pull SQLite database
Book summary: Skin in the game by Nassim Nicolas Taleb
Book summary: How not to be wrong by Jordan Ellenberg
Escaping into Caribbean with Norwegian Escape Cruise
Some tips for the first time cruisers
Binary vs Graded outcomes
Two days at Zion National Park
Diagnosing Mac apps which won’t open (error -10810)
Rim-2-Rimember: Day hiking through Grand Canyon
Book summary: The subtle art of not giving a f*ck by Mark Manson
Book summary: Fooled by Randomness by Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Java Musings - initializing a final variable with an uninitialized final variable
4 days in Mexico City and Valle De Bravo
Book Summary: Sapiens: A brief history of Humankind
Profits with a red ocean strategy
Book summary: Brandwashed by Martin Lindstorm
Big Island (Hawaii) in 5 days
Bottled water at Tourist places
Google I/O 2017: Android Notes
Apple vs Google: Naming of flagship Android vs iPhone
The Internet and the City Advantage
Book summary: “Business Adventures” by John Brooks
Consumer Internet: why audio can’t be as big as text, photos, and videos
Book summary: “Where good ideas come from” by Steven Johnson
Book summary: What got you here won’t get you there by Marshall Goldsmith
When aggregation works and when it doesn’t
5 things airlines get wrong about leisure travelers
Book Summary: Hard Things about Hard Things by Ben Horowitz
Demystifying Android rendering: Jank and ANR
Built-in “Developer options” in Android
Book summary: The Lean Startup by Eric Ries
The Android-Chrome merger saga
Front of the queue effect
Book summary: Remote - office not required
Carrying water during urban travel
Choosing a Travel Backpack
Floating point in user-facing strings
Voice Interfaces: The Missing User Interaction Element
Tabs vs spaces for code indentation
File size should always be of “long” type
Google I/O 2016: Android notes
Book summary: Great By Choice by Jim Collins
Book Summary: The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham
When marketplaces work and when they don’t
Wealth destruction is worse than taxes
Traveling on Indian passport
Mac OS X Primer (Part 3) - Window Management
Learnings from IIT Global Leaders Conference (IITGLC) 2015
American vs Indian doctor
The clash of cultural expectations
Winter Trip to Mt. Whitney (Feb 2015)
Book summary: The science of happily ever after by T Y Tashiro
At a local bus stand in Mexico…
Android command-line: gradle and testing
Book summary: Bogleheads guide to investing
Book Summary: “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion” by Robert B. Cialdini
“Material design” and Google’s strategy
Book Summary: Think like a freak by Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner
How to start locale settings activity on android from command-line
Book summary: The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch
Android, Gradle and compile-time only dependencies
Book summary: Only The Paranoid Survives by Andrew Grove
A visit to Gadar Memorial in San Francisco
Book Summary: So good they can’t ignore you (why skills trump passion in the quest for work you love) by Cal Newport
Book Summary: The Innovator’s Dilemma (when new technologies cause great firms to fail) by Clayton Christensen
Thoughts on Bitcoin (part 2)
Book Summary: The Education of Millionaires by Michael Ellsberg
Thoughts on Bureaucrats, Technocrats and Politicians
Book summary: How to create a mind by Ray Kurzweil
Internet activists, the advent of snap judgement and Internet’s permanence
Thoughts on fixing tech recruiting
Book Summary: How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big by Scott Adams (creator of Dilbert comics)
Book Summary: Art of War by Sun Tzu (Samuel B. Griffith’s translation)
Mac OS X Primer (Part 2): Migrating from GNU/Linux to Mac for software engineers
How to compile android emulator on ubuntu 13.10
Why Nokia’s (rumored) Android phone is doomed
How to send HTML mails using Amazon SES (Simple Email Service) in python
Book Summary: The score takes care of itself (my philosophy of leadership)
Three reasons why Intel might lose server market even faster than consumer
Book Summary: Man’s search for meaning
Random Thoughts: Android launchers (home screens)
Thoughts on Snapchat’s snafu
Book Summary: Winners Take All (The 9 fundamental rules of high tech strategy)
Github 101 for hackathons
Mac OS X Primer: Migrating from GNU/Linux to Mac for software engineers
Finance 101: Credit Cards
How to upgrade Nexus 4 to Android 4.4 (Kitkat)
Finance 101: A basic plan
Finance 101: Table of contents
Finance 101: Type of money holding accounts
Tech world’s love for letter “X”
Relocating to California for internationals - Part 3
Relocating to California for internationals - Part 2
Relocating to California for internationals - Part 1
Personal Finance: Thoughts on peer to peer lending
Malkiel’s Timeless lessons for Investors
Book Summary: The Power of Less by Leo Babuta
Android Security related tools
Book Summary: The Start-Up of You
Vivek Wadhwa: “The next Trillion Dollar Opportunities”
Beyond Numbers: Dealing with terrorism in India
Random Thoughts: Rape and The Indian Blame Game
Book Summary: Breakout Nations by Ruchir Sharma
Book Review: The Tangled web
Book Review: Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson
Book Summary: In the Plex by Steven Levy
Is there any USP of Toyota Prius?
Book Summary: Imagining India by Nandan Nilekani
Towards a broken future of Internet
A fundamental problem with Aakash (Indian Government tablet initiative)
Preliminary analysis of Facebook Click jacking Attack “Chica Sexy”
Summary: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Summary: Built to Last (Successful habit of visionary companies)
Random thoughts: goals and company types in tech world
“Understanding Corruption - impact and solution”: A talk by Subramanian Swamy
Book summary: India Unbound by Gurcharan Das
Summary: “Difficulty of being good: Subtle art of Dharma”
How do you store my password?
Preliminary analysis of Facebook clickjacking (aprilfoolsprank)
EA Sports vs Zynga : the battle for games in smartphone era
Career Destination of IITians: USA vs India
FOSS (Free and Open Source Code) Licensing FAQ
Cablegate and the aftermath: a few observations
Analysis of Facebook Rotating Images worm
Nokia and the smartphone era
How Indian Government deals with Technology
The decline of Microsoft and Intel in Internet-centric Smartphone-supplemented era
Cyber Security in India : Role of CERT-In
Understanding HTTPS warnings and error messages
A preliminary analysis of “Bom Sabado” orkut worm
BlackBerry Controversy in India
Understanding Directory Permissions on Linux
Animation in diagrams (presentations in Latex)
Programming in Linux for newbies