I am a software engineer and an angel investor based out of the San Francisco bay area. This page is mostly a collection of curated articles that I have written and tools that I have built.

More professional info is on LinkedIn . You can email me at ashishb AT ashishb.net.

Blog posts & Tools


If you are an infrastructure engineer consider my Docker 101 blog post and then read how you can deploy web services essentially with zero fixed costs. Afterward, you might like reading about the pitfalls of Docker’s scratch image . You might love or hate me for questioning the serverless functions lock-in.


  1. My dotfiles contain some of the best tools and setups for an engineer related to Android, infrastructure, and Web3 engineering
  2. A backend template to kick start Go-based projects on Google Cloud Run
  3. A date parsing library for Go that guesses the format and parses any dates

Go Language

If you use the Go language, you would enjoy reading the most common concurrency pitfall of the Go language for beginners. Or how to do inheritance in Go . Or writing Generics in Go like Java and C++. And wp2hugo , the best migrator from WordPress to Hugo.


If you are a DevOps person, you would enjoy the common pitfalls of GitHub Actions . If you use bash, consider making it more robust , this check would have prevented me from deleting my full disk! I did that once .

DevOps Tools

  1. GitHub Actions Boilerplate generator
  2. CircleCI analysis tool
  3. Spammy/dead outbound link checker for your blog


  1. Always test code along the axis of minimum change .
  2. Test resumable uploads/downloads - this will save bandwidth and latency for both you and your users
  3. Check for missing network timeouts in your network requests


If you like Android, you would enjoy my critique of React Native . A more technical reader would enjoy how to catch NDK crashes and how to catch crashes on the Javascript-to-Java bridge . An old but still relevant article on using Android Fragments without crashing the app. Or how to architect Android apps from emerging markets .

If you are an Android user who loves listening to music or podcasts, consider switching to MusicSync , here’s my reasoning behind building it.

Android Tools

  1. adb-enhanced is a swiss-army knife for Android development
  2. Auto Translate Android app GitHub action to translate non-English languages. I use it for MusicSync and VoiceNotes .
  3. Collection of live Android malware samples for research
  4. The most comprehensive Android Security tools list

Android apps

  1. VoiceNotes - A quick and easy Android app to record location-tagged voice notes on the go
  2. MusicSync - A Google Play Music replacement Android app that can play files from SD card, Google Drive, the web, and podcasts


If you are a Product Manager, you would enjoy reading some of my product-related posts

  1. Why indeterminate progress bars are bad
  2. How to write better emails to users
  3. Why audio startups fail
  4. When marketplaces work and don’t work


  1. AutoSnoozer to improve batch processing of emails and
  2. Mindful Reading to maintain one’s own custom RSS feed for reading.


I enjoy traveling and writing travel blogs. Check out my travel blogs or reviews on TripAdvisor .

Top Online mentions

  1. BBC
  2. Yahoo! Finance
  3. Business Insider
  4. India Today
  5. Google Scholar citations
  6. Todoist blog
  7. Eweek
  8. Android Weekly
  9. Medium
  10. Podcasts - Fundraising Radio and Angelneers